What are Benutzernummer and Passwort?

Aktuelle Meldungen finden Sie stets auf der :hilfeseite für die Onleihe.

  • Liebe Leute,

    I habe eine Frage.

    After installing App on my cell, I tried Benutzernummer and Passwort many times.

    But it was not successful.

    Are these retrieved from different ways?


  • Benutzernummer: Registration number from your library, is shown on the card you get after paying your library dues the first time.

    Password is usually by default your birthdate. The exact format used depends on the Onleihe. Which Onleihe do you use? Many of them like Onleihe Hessen are run by a group of libraries. That means before login you have to select the library where you are registered.

  • Hi meisje and Bibliothekarin:

    Thanks for your response.

    It was still not successful to log in Onleihe app on my cell phone.

    I just registered here and Adobe to get both accounts.

    I do not pay any due for any library.

    The library I use in Goethe Institute is located in Taiwan.

    My library card has 5-6 digits only, not matching with digital number in login name.


  • Liebe Leute

    I asked the library personnel in Goethe Institut.

    She did not give me any positive response, only requesting me to use Desktop instead of using my cell phone.


  • Benutzernummer: Registration number from your library, is shown on the card you get after paying your library dues the first time.

    Password is usually by default your birthdate. The exact format used depends on the Onleihe. Which Onleihe do you use? Many of them like Onleihe Hessen are run by a group of libraries. That means before login you have to select the library where you are registered.

    Hi meisje and Bibliothekarin:

    Thanks for your response.

    It was still not successful to log in Onleihe app on my cell phone.

    I just registered here and Adobe to get both accounts.

    I do not pay any due for any library.

    The library I use in Goethe Institute is located in Taiwan.

    My library card has 5-6 digits only, not matching with digital number in login name.


  • I do not pay any due for any library.

    The library I use in Goethe Institute is located in Taiwan.

    My library card has 5-6 digits only, not matching with digital number in login name.

    Please contact the library of Goethe Institute and aks them to tell you your "Benutzernummer" and "Passwort". More Information in German or Taiwanese you finde here: https://www.goethe.de/ins/tw/de/kul/bib/onl.html

    The registration here at the "userforum" is not necessary to use the Onleihe. Don't use the login details from here to use the Onleihe app.

  • HI, Bibliothekarin

    I got the response from personnel as below.


    I suggest that you log into Onleihe at the first time by PC or laptop.

    You don’t need the library card number, just choose “Goethe-Institut”.


    However, I do not understand how to log in my app on my cell phone yet.

    I can log in Onleihe in desktop now to ask questions, but not on my cell phone.


  • Hi, ssb_gun & Bibliothekarin:

    I can log in Onleihe on Desktop with no problem.

    However, with the same login and pwd or different one,

    after many trials,

    I can not log in Onleihe on my cell phone.

    Are login name (email address) and password supposed to be the same?

    Quite Frustrating!



  • Login Name and Password ist always the same for the Onleihe. But normally not the same as here in the "Userforum"

    Is there any error message if you try to Login via Onleihe-App?

  • Hi, Leute

    Before solving the problem sucesssfully,

    may I know if I can read E-Book and listen to music or E-Audio on Onleihe app, since I can not listen or read on Desktop now?

    Thanks in advance!


  • Hi, Leute

    After inputing Adobe ID instead, the msg is shown


    Die Aktivierung Ihres Gerätes wurde erfolgreich durchgeführt.

    However, it is the same before. I still can not check out the book.

    How shall I proceed from this step?


  • Hallo, Damen und Herren:

    Shall I proceed to choose the library?

    After choosing the library, it looks like the library card number and password are required.

    Both of them look like different number and password.

    I doubt if the number and password for Desktop Onleihe I registered online is not the same as my Onleihe App.
